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"appdata" and "public" on all drives

Posted: 21 Jan 2020, 18:12
by emogg
Each time I add a new drive I get a new "appdata" and "public" directory on the new drive but I can only access it in the File Manager or Control Panel and none of the others. In my case I can only see the one on md2 but the webserver was set up initially on md0.

How can I stop these directories from being created and moving about?

How can I remove the ones on md1 md2 so that I can see the one on md0?

Re: "appdata" and "public" on all drives

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 16:56
by TMSupport
Hi, please advise your TNAS model number and current TOS version, also your installed HDDs and how did you install the TOS system. Did you install TOS on each hard drive one by one or did you install TOS on all your hard drives at one time ?

Re: "appdata" and "public" on all drives

Posted: 07 Feb 2020, 22:01
by emogg
TNAS-0110A8, F4-210, TOS 4.1.18-2001031356.

I initially installed only one Seagate Ironwolf 4TB drive. Later I added two more Ironwolf 4TB drives one at a time and did not install TOS on them as far as I know because I do not know how to do that. In any case why would I need duplicate public and appdata directories on the other drives?

Re: "appdata" and "public" on all drives

Posted: 12 Feb 2020, 16:17
by TMSupport
Hi, thanks for the feedback. The two folders "public" and "appdata" will be generated under each RAID. And the two folders you can see at TOS file manager or with SMB is the folders generated on the system drive. And these two folders could not be deleted or removed.

Re: "appdata" and "public" on all drives

Posted: 13 Feb 2020, 07:22
by emogg
But I'm not using RAID, so why create the directories?