D5-300C RAID 1 Issue

RAID, Volume, storage pool, hard drive, USB, SSD cache and iSCSI LUN
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Joined: 16 Jan 2020, 03:28

D5-300C RAID 1 Issue

Post by majorkelo »

I’m a professional photographer with a large photo library. I bought a TerraMaster D5-300C about a year and a half ago and set up a RAID 1 system in bays one and two using two 6TB drives. This has worked well until recently when my library began to outgrow the 6TB capacity.

I bought two 14TB Seagate IornWolf Pro drives to replace the 6TBs in the RAID 1 bays. I replaced one drive at a time allowing the D5-300C’s recovery feature to copy the files onto each of the 14TB drives in turn. This seemed to work well as far as copying the content is concerned. The only problem is that the computer still thinks that the RAID 1 drives are 6TBs instead of the actual 14TB capacity.

Does anyone know how the get the computer (a Windows 10 OS) to recognize the new drives as their actual 14TB size? I’ve already tried reformatting and that hasn’t worked. I’ve also tried going into the Windows Management / Disk Management app. To no avail.

Thanks for any help you can give.
Posts: 3
Joined: 05 Dec 2019, 15:43

Re: D5-300C RAID 1 Issue

Post by TMsupport3 »

The D5-300C does not support online capacity expansion.
You will need to back up your data first, then use the 14TB hard drives to create a new RAID 1 (press and hold the "reset" button for 5 second to allow the new RAID1 to take effect), and copy the data over to the new 14TB RAID1.
Please advise if any problems.

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