Moving harddrives from F4-210 to another

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Moving harddrives from F4-210 to another

Post by gogo100 »

As my former F4-210 broke down after only three years of service I bought another one.
I have four harddrives full of data and want to access from the new drive.

to do this I want to make sure that no data gets lost but the messages in the initialation process are confusing.

You can see that the main folder are to be seen but when I want to open them I'm ask for a nickname and a password and my default password to access are not being accepted.

When I login I can see that theharddrive is being recognized and also the DATA attached to it.

but when I want see the folder Ian't see the folderaside from admin, public & appdata
any advise is much appriciated.
(BTW it is all german language on the screenshots however responses in english shall not be a problem)
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Re: Moving harddrives from F4-210 to another

Post by TMRyan »

You can try going to the Shared folder module in the TOS Control panel, select Advanced selection in the upper right corner, select Restore to Volume, and then edit the user permissions for the shared folder.
If that doesn't work, you can go to Network Services in the TOS Control Panel and re-enable SMB File services in File Services.
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