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VPN Server How To

Posted: 06 Jan 2023, 04:26
by TtimmEwath
I'm trying to set up a VPN Server on TNAS, and the TOS Help says: "To install VPN Server, go to the TOS App Center, find VPN Server, and then click "Install"." However, when I look in "Applications" I do not see "VPN Server" anywhere. Was VPN Server removed?

Is there file somewhere that I can manually install?

How else could I setup a VPN server on TNAS?

I've tried using containers on docker like wireguard and openvpn but haven't been able to get anything to work.

Re: VPN Server How To

Posted: 06 Jan 2023, 17:16
by TMSupport
Which TOS version did you install?
Can you find other apps in the app center?

Re: VPN Server How To

Posted: 07 Jan 2023, 00:20
by TtimmEwath
Looks like my TOS version is 4.2.40.
There are other apps in the app center, like Docker and Plex Media Server, both of which I was able to successfully install and setup.

Re: VPN Server How To

Posted: 13 Apr 2023, 06:57
by DroNAS
Hi! I have the same problem with TOS 4.2.41.
Will this TOS version support VPN connection easier than docker containers?

Re: VPN Server How To

Posted: 25 May 2023, 23:54
by sianderson
if you are using an ARM based nas drive e.g. F2-210 then there is no VPN server it only works on the intel versions e.g. F2-220 etc

i had a quick play with docker but didnt seem to have any joy with it so just accepted that i cant VPN to the NAS, however it does what i needed it to do so still happy enough with it