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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Posted: 05 Apr 2024, 20:40
by TMqiky
Do you mean you want to reinstall TOS 5 on the old device 221?

It can be installed, but it should be noted that higher versions of TOS5 require a new partition format.

If your partition format still belongs to TOS4, please do not use the latest TOS5. Please refer to:


Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 17:49
by ChrisOfTheOT
Morning Qiky - no, not re-installing TOS on the old F2-221.

Could I put the two IronWolf data HDDs from the old 221 into a new 223 TNAS? Would the new TNAS work with the data from the old TNAS, if both ran with TOS5?



Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Posted: 13 Apr 2024, 00:12
by ChrisOfTheOT
Afternoon Boys & Girls - been quite a week here. (I have actual sweat on my brow!)

I had wanted to put the two HD (form the old F2-221) into the newly purchased F2-223, without losing data - or having to format HD1 & copy the RAID from the HD2 back and re-build the RAID. (I was using RAID1 but TOS5 changed it to TRAID - rudely, without asking - but I understand that TRAID with 2 HD functions as RAID1.)

Since the F2-223 is a new device, as per instructions here (viewtopic.php?t=516) I tried a fresh install of TOS5.1.123, but it failed several times, usually ending with a boot screen with a spinning circle endlessly. The process seemed to have worked upto that point - installation/instal screens went to 100% okay. So I found an adjacent post (viewtopic.php?t=423) on how to re-install TOS.

This worked - but I loged onto the TNAS through TNAS-PC in Windows, not through the browser, maybe that made the difference? Either way, I was 'in', finally! But I still had the brave part to do: plug in the HD! Since I have 2 backups, I figured I'd allow TOS to blank the drive & start again... But, to my amazement, there was no option to format, etc. I went to File Explorer in TOS and, to my amazement again, all the data was still intact! Hurrah, hurrah! The only problem was that a 'RAID degraded' warning was showing - although with only one drive installed, that was understandable. So I pluged in the second HD and I was offered the option to 'Repair the RAID' (all the others were not available). So I chose that, knowing TOS would wipe the data on HD2 by over-writting everything with HD1. So, I did have to get the RAID re-built, but that's okay. It's working! (Bar a USB issue, but that's another thread.)

Anyway, this has cost a fortune (2 x 4TB IronWolfs & an F2-223 NAS), but at least it's working now. TerraMaster have been really great - thank you boys and girls in Beijing! :D Tech support has been second-to-none and even TM Marketting have helped.

