Is there a way to control D5-300 spin down?

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Is there a way to control D5-300 spin down?

Post by mediaguru »

I have 4 of the 5 slots filled in my D5-300, directly connected to my Mac M1 Pro Max laptop. Whether or not I'm accessing the drives, they spin down constantly. Then when I need to access something, my whole system is on hold while all four drives spin back up. Is there a way of making the sleep time longer? Also, the drives spin up and spin down even when the laptop is in sleep mode.

Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.
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Re: Is there a way to control D5-300 spin down?

Post by TMroy »

The spin-up or spin-down of D5-300 depends on the signal your computer provides. You can try to modify the relevant settings about battery or power supply in the settings of Mac.
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Re: Is there a way to control D5-300 spin down?

Post by Olli2024 »

On linux there is a package called hdparm to manage energy management and spindown better on USB hard drives with works pretty well.

Since the Mac OS is based on unix I am pretty sure there are similar (homebrew) project to setup power management like this too.

Sorry I can not give better examples for a Mac.
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