Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

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Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by Ortof »

Hello everyone,

I am currently using a Terramaster NAS F5-221 and I'm facing an issue with configuring the HTTPS connection. I would like to secure my connections by using a valid HTTPS certificate. However, the Terramaster certificate service does not allow me to create such a certificate. To work around this limitation, I have installed Docker to request a certificate from Let's Encrypt.

Unfortunately, I have encountered a new hurdle: I am unable to import the certificate generated by Docker into my Terramaster NAS. The system is blocking the certificate import, making it impossible to set up the HTTPS connection. As a result, I have resorted to using a reverse proxy through Docker.

Therefore, I would like to reach out to the Terramaster developers to request assistance. Is it possible to provide an explanation on how to obtain a valid certificate without having to go through this complex process? Alternatively, could a system update be considered to allow the import of valid certificates into the NAS?

I understand that creating and managing HTTPS certificates can be technically challenging, but having an official integrated solution would greatly simplify the process for users. I would greatly appreciate any assistance or system update that could make this process more straightforward.

Thank you in advance for your attention and valuable support.

Best regards,


Bonjour à tous,

J'utilise actuellement un NAS Terramaster F5-221 et je rencontre un problème lors de la configuration de la connexion HTTPS. Je souhaite sécuriser mes connexions en utilisant un certificat HTTPS valide, cependant, le service Terramaster de certificat ne me permet pas de créer un certificat de ce type. J'ai donc décidé de contourner cette limitation en installant Docker afin de demander un certificat à Let's Encrypt.

Malheureusement, je me heurte à un nouvel obstacle : je ne parviens pas à importer le certificat généré par Docker dans mon NAS Terramaster. Le système bloque l'importation du certificat, ce qui rend impossible la configuration de la connexion HTTPS. Pour pallier cette situation, je suis contraint de passer par un proxy inversé via Docker.

Je me permets donc de m'adresser aux développeurs de Terramaster pour solliciter leur aide. Serait-il possible d'obtenir une explication sur la manière d'obtenir un certificat valide sans devoir recourir à cette procédure complexe ? Serait-il envisageable de prévoir une mise à jour du système pour permettre l'importation de certificats valides dans le NAS ?

Je suis conscient que la création et la gestion de certificats HTTPS peuvent présenter un défi technique, mais disposer d'une solution officielle intégrée faciliterait grandement la tâche des utilisateurs. J'apprécierais donc toute assistance ou toute mise à jour du système qui pourrait simplifier ce processus.

Je vous remercie par avance pour votre attention et votre aide précieuse.
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Re: Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by TMroy »

Currently, you are not able to customize your own certificate for HTTPS.
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Re: Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by Ortof »

I am currently facing an issue while configuring the HTTPS connection on my Terramaster NAS F5-221. I recently sought help here to resolve this problem but was informed that it is not possible to create a custom certificate.

In this context, I would like to request your assistance in obtaining specific instructions on how to configure an HTTPS connection with Terramaster. I aim to secure my connections using a valid certificate.

I have explored the Terramaster administration interface but have not found a clear option to enable HTTPS or import an SSL/TLS certificate. Could you please guide me step-by-step on how to configure HTTPS on the F5-221 model?

If Terramaster does not provide built-in features for certificate management, could you please recommend alternative solutions to obtain and install a valid HTTPS certificate?

Thank you in advance for your valuable assistance.
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Re: Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by TMroy »

HTTPS of your TNAS is using TerraMaster * certificate, this certificate is also shared for service. We do not provide you with a solution, and we do not recommend you replace this certificate.
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Re: Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by tommi2day »

I am facing the same probleme. I understud you fixed the https certificate to * but you should be aware the majority of your users will not us a address but using there own (internal) dns name. This caused all browsers to warn about an unsafe host and renders https usage complete useless und will raise complains from internal security staff.

Maybe one solution is to enhance certifacte management to deliver different certificates if the url has been called as or -if defined- the custom certificate

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Re: Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by Gremlin »

[at=tommi2day post_id=27869 time=1687073983 user_id=6270][/at]

This is something I am curious about since I do run my own domain (although it is currently closed access) and I would never run via typical 3rd party links (eg typical cctv systems allowing mobile phone access).
I will confess, web server under linux systems is stranger to me, especially if not 'apache' :)

Does this help?: ... ith-nginx/
F5-221 5.1.123, 8GB System Partition on 3 x 4TB Traid; 3TB EXT4
F2-221 TOS6 (Beta), 8GB System Partition on 2 x 6TB in Traid. (Latest Update 11/04/24)
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Re: Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by tommi2day »

I have already traefik running as docker container to handle my own apps. It should be possible to proxy also the TOS webpage from there.

But i am curious about the reason of such hardcoded stuff which i dont know from other vendors. If the user adds its own certificate let the user choose it also for the system, especially if its not bound to which is the only (known) reason to use * Even synology can handle different certificates for its own apps and system.

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Re: Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by TMroy »

This feature just not implement in TOS 5, we can expect it in TOS 6.
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Re: Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by kwandart »

I see TerraMaster has been busy updating TOS over the past year. Congratulations to the team. There has been a LOT of output.

What is the roadmap/timeline for TOS 6? Is TOS development expected to continue at this speed, or can a slowdown be expected at this point?
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Re: Issue with Importing HTTPS Certificate on Terramaster NAS F5-221

Post by crisisacting »

kwandart wrote: 06 Aug 2023, 00:34… What is the roadmap/timeline for TOS 6? Is TOS development expected to continue at this speed, or can a slowdown be expected at this point?
TOS versioning now tries to match Linux LTS kernels; it was Linux 4.19.× prior to TOS 5.1.×, which uses the Linux 5.15.× kernel, so the expectation should be that TOS 6.× will be based off of Linux 6.1.× kernel since that's the current LTS build.

With no current public beta build (maybe there's a private/invitation only one), it's likely still under the early development stage.
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