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Duple Backup Problem

Posted: 02 Oct 2020, 17:56
by Terra_User123
I find Duple Backup very interesting and habe been using it and testing it. Today I found out something i am not so happy about... So I setup and iSCSI LUN and made it available to my computer and put a document in there to test something... I made a backup of the iSCSI LUN and I deleted the document on the LUN. I did the restore function on the Duple Backup and it works. Now here is the problem, I deleted the document on the LUN again and deleted the backup I configured in the Duple Backup and tried to create the same exact backup before. I renamed the folder to the original backup config and then coppied the orignal backup... restored it, nothing happens!!

So, if I backup an iSCSI LUN, everything is good as long as the configuration in Duple Backup is still there and not changed. However, in the case of system reboot, update, or whatever it is and the Duple Backup config becomes empty, then all the iSCSI backup becomes useless??? Since when backing up an iSCSI LUN, the backup does not show the content, only the config. Please explain...

Re: Duple Backup Problem

Posted: 09 Oct 2020, 18:10
by TMSupport
We will test according to your report and get back to you later.