Frustrations with TOS v5

Initialization of newly purchased TNAS or re-installation of your TNAS
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Frustrations with TOS v5

Post by Mayhem »

I upgraded to v5 due to Docker issues. I thought I had mostly resolved these by installing Docker Manager and the necessary components and then installing Portainer-CE 2.20.1 via an SSH session. Attempting to restore my pihole ran into space issues, so that's hosed.

However, it seems I am stuck in a loop of getting this system somewhat setup only to reboot it and not be able to get back in. TNAS PC tells me it can't access my NAS remotely, despite the fact that both it and my PC are on the same LAN. The only way I can get back to somewhat working is by popping my drives out and going back through the setup. Prior to hitting that, I noticed I couldn't add either new users or create any groups (nor were any defaulted users/groups displayed)

Did something go wonky during the upgrade that I'm not aware of? Should I just nuke everything (including my storage pool) and start over fresh? I'm actually in the process again (for the 4th time) of having to re-initialize it.
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Re: Frustrations with TOS v5

Post by TMzethar »

I see that your TNAS is F2-221 and TOS was TOS 4.2.40 before you use TOS5.
Please confirm if you are facing such a problem, perhaps you can find a solution within it:
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Re: Frustrations with TOS v5

Post by Mayhem »

I managed to figure it out. When I did the initial update, I was following a video guide that mentioned using the Custom option (IIRC) to upload the new firmware. I did that and had even tried resetting it a couple of times after that initial installation, but it was never really stable.

I ended up starting over and not using the Custom option, basically just reinstalling v5 over itself. Things are a whole lot better now lol.
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