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Changing Portainer UI ports number

Posted: 09 Mar 2024, 04:36
by sts41
Just writing this for two reasons, one would be to help out after I spent many hours figuring this out since there wasn't any documentation on the Non Docker version of Portainer, and maybe get Terramaster development team to add a few things in one file to make it easier for others in the future.

This began because I have a Java applet that uses port 9443 and no easy way to change it. Portainer also uses that port for the https service. After a lot of searching, I found nothing online on how to do this. So I started looking at the startup service for Portainer in TOS 5.1.

If you look at the startup variable listed in the service (/Volume1/@apps/Portainer/init.d/service):

path=$(dirname $(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"))
ThisPath=$(dirname "$path")
program_name=$(basename "$program")
#program_data=$(ter_share_add -name "Portainer")

There is a tunnel_port and a program_port listed, and it is easy to just change these port numbers if needed....

By simply running the executable with the help flag, I found the ports I needed:

--bind-https=:"9443" Address and port to serve Portainer via https

So by adding these to the Variable list above:


and updating the start command again in the service file:
$program --bind=":$program_port" --bind-https=:"$https_port" --tunnel-port="$tunnel_port" -d "$ThisPath" --admin-password-file="$default" > $program_log 2>&1 &

Just change the port in the variable, and restart the service and Voila....

Hope this helps someone in the future....
