Must-read Before Posting in Lounges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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TerraMaster Team
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Joined: 10 Mar 2020, 14:04

Must-read Before Posting in Lounges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by TMroy »

Important Notice!

To streamline forum management, we've meticulously crafted multiple categorized sections. While these sections delineate discussion scopes for community members, we recognize the varied communication needs of individuals. Hence, alongside specialized sections, we've introduced the "Lounges" section. Here, you're free to express yourself, be it daily musings or profound topics, as long as you abide by forum rules.

Kindly note that the official customer service team generally refrains from formally responding to content in the "Lounges" section. For product-related or technical inquiries, please post in the relevant forum section and refrain from such discussions in the "Lounges" section. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation!
To contact our team, please send email to following addresses, remember to replace (at) with @:
Support team: support(at) (for technical support only)
Service team: service(at) (for purchasing, return, replacement, RMA service)
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