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Complete Removal of TNAS

Posted: 18 Jan 2024, 16:37
by chapter13
I have a T9-450 and all I want to do is install a functional OS, Debian for example.
I have been struggling to get a debootstrap, live partition manager, live iso etc. to work and allow me to use the hardware I paid for.

Will this ever be on your radar Terramaster?

Re: Complete Removal of TNAS

Posted: 19 Jan 2024, 03:33
by tommi2day
You only need to replace the internal usb stick. there are some guides to install other os, look for truenas on terramaster.

Re: Complete Removal of TNAS

Posted: 20 Jan 2024, 02:12
by chapter13
This is true, well technically there's also disk signatures created across each disk by TOS as another fun and unnecessary little config.
But you also need a console or better yet, an HDMI port to install from.