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Switching from F4-210

Posted: 29 Dec 2023, 19:46
I currently have a F4-210 with 4 * 4TB drives, 3 in a RAID 5 pool and 1 as a single drive

If I wanted to upgrade, say to the F4-223 or F4-423 is it "just" a case of pulling the drives and reinstalling TOS?

I am guessing it will be more complex than that as the 210 is stuck on TOS 4 rather than TOS 5 or 6?

Re: Switching from F4-210

Posted: 29 Dec 2023, 20:39
by crisisacting
You're changing from a device on an ARM architecture release to options on ×86/×64 architecture releases, so it's more than just moving the drives.

You'll need to secure erase these drives if you're going to use them for TOS 5.1.×/6 as a new resized system partition will be installed by current builds during a fresh installation.

Re: Switching from F4-210

Posted: 30 Dec 2023, 01:31
I know one is ARM and one is x86/x64, just because a drive is formatted using an ARM OS it doesn't mean it can't be read by an x86/x64 OS, what matters is the filesystem format, that is why I wondered if you could just do the reinstall/reinitialize the OS on it's partition but it sounds like upgrading from TOS 4 to 5 isn't simple anyway

Re: Switching from F4-210

Posted: 30 Dec 2023, 04:18
by crisisacting
Specifically didn't mention file system, because that's not an issue here.

As long as your single drive/volume isn't full of data (or you can offload it), you can test it out yourself to see what quirks and issues your proposed transition would produce, once you obtain the 223/423 series device.

Should you keep your 210, you could just rsync your data over to the new device with a new storage drive then reinitialize the 210 in whatever configuration you'd like to (maybe moving drives to the new unit) act as on-site backup.

TOS 6 will support user defined system drive (as opposed to its current being mirrored across drives), so maybe wait for that if you want to separate your data from system drive(s).

Re: Switching from F4-210

Posted: 30 Dec 2023, 04:59
Got it, thanks.

Might as well spend time researching other options as well then if I have to both with all of that.