Docker 1.2.9 issue

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Docker 1.2.9 issue

Post by liliass »

Bought the TOS F4-423 yesterday

trying Docker 1.2.9
Trying install Transmission in Docker and need to use 51413 UDP and TCP in the same time.

However, I can't add those because only either TCP or UDP can use 51413.

There is no option for "TCP and UDP"..

can someone help me. or i gonna return it.

thank you.
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Re: Docker 1.2.9 issue

Post by TMeric »

Hello, thank you for your feedback. We will fix this problem in the next version. You can first use the SSH terminal command to start the transmissin container. The command is as follows:

docker run --name=transmission \
-e USERNAME=admin \
-e PASSWORD=admin \
-e PGID=0 \
-p 9091:9091 \
-p 51413:51413 \
-p 51413:51413/udp \
-v /sda1/transmission/config:/config \
-v /sda1/transmission/downloads:/downloads \
-v /sda1/transmission/watch:/watch \
--restart unless-stopped \
Among them -e USERNAME configures admin (the user name of the management page)
-e PASSWORD configure admin (password for the management page)
-v is the mounting directory volume /sda1/transmission/config. This part can be defined as your storage directory on the nas device.

I'm really sorry for causing trouble to you.

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