I cant launch Nano text editor

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I cant launch Nano text editor

Post by n3cr0x »

I've managed to figure out that I can install software with the command

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[test@testnas ~]# opkg install nano
Package nano (7.2-2a) installed in root is up to date.
[test@testnas ~]# nano
-bash: nano: command not found
What to do in such a case? I am unable to save a file in the VI editor and I would like to use the Nano editor, but after installing it successfully, I can't get it to run. What could be the problem?
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Re: I cant launch Nano text editor

Post by TMzethar »

We did not find the error you mentioned regarding VI.
TOS only has some basic and necessary software for TOS operation.
If you are not used to using VI, perhaps you can open it through SFTP and use computer software for editing.
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Re: I cant launch Nano text editor

Post by n3cr0x »

Does that mean I can't install another text editor? The installation of Nano was successful, why can't I start it?
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Re: I cant launch Nano text editor

Post by TMtina »

Please try searching online for some solutions.
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Re: I cant launch Nano text editor

Post by CharlotteFilemdar »

Here are some steps to troubleshoot and try to get Nano working:

Check PATH:
Type echo $PATH to view the current PATH variable.
If the directory containing Nano isn't listed, add it using export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/nano (replace with the correct path).
Source Configuration:
Source your shell configuration to apply changes: source ~/.bashrc or the relevant file for your shell.
Restart Shell:
Close and reopen the terminal for a fresh environment.
Consider Alternative Locations:
If Nano isn't in a standard location, try which nano or locate nano to find its path and adjust PATH accordingly.
Check for Conflicts:
Use which vi to see if it's using a different version that might conflict with Nano.
If issues persist, try reinstalling Nano with opkg remove nano followed by opkg install nano.
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Re: I cant launch Nano text editor

Post by n3cr0x »

Thanks for your recommendations, but unfortunately I came to the conclusion that TOS 5.1 is still too raw. In addition, I had constant problems with the VI editor, which didn't want to edit configs properly. Among other things you have completely redone the standard things in the system including the location of the various configs. In the end I realized that this system was not for me and installed another system, one in which I have full control over what happens, one in which I can do what I want and set what I like.

It's not a bad thing that you are doing something of your own, but in my opinion this product is still very raw and it limits the user's choice of software very much. Personally, I want to have full control over the system, understand what is where and how things work, and if they don't work, I can find the problem and fix it myself. With your system, after buying the device, I spent about 10 days setting it up and trying to do what I needed to do. In the end nothing worked and I realized that your system is not for me. The unit is great, but the system is too crude to use.

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