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Re: Using the D5-300 with the F4-423

Posted: 05 Feb 2024, 17:33
by SurajkaliMotiar
File System Choice:

While both EXFAT and EXT4 work, the recommended setup depends on your usage:

EXFAT: Offers wider compatibility across different devices (Mac, Windows, etc.) but lacks advanced features like data journaling and bitmaps, important for RAID integrity.

EXT4: Ideal for NAS-to-NAS backups as it's optimized for Linux-based systems like TerraMaster. It offers better data protection features but limited compatibility with non-Linux systems.

For your F4-423 to D5-300 backup, EXT4 on both devices is generally recommended. However, if you frequently access the backup from other systems, consider sticking with EXFAT on the D5-300.

2. D5-300 RAID Management:

Unfortunately, managing the D5-300's RAID directly through the F4-423 isn't possible. Each TerraMaster enclosure manages its own RAID independently. You'll need to connect the D5-300 to your Mac for RAID management tasks like replacing disks.

3. BTRFS on D5-300:

While the D5-300 itself doesn't support BTRFS formatting, you can create a BTRFS volume within the EXT4 file system using tools like Snapraid or MergerFS. However, remember this adds complexity and might not be necessary for simple backups.

4. Backup Method:

USBCopy is a straightforward option for basic file transfers, but for reliable backups, consider these alternatives:

Rsync: Efficiently copies only changed files, saving time and bandwidth.
Duplicati: Offers encryption, versioning, and remote storage support for comprehensive backups.
TerraMaster TOS Backup App: Built-in app with user-friendly interface for scheduled backups between TerraMaster devices.
Additional Tip: Configure automatic backups with your chosen method for a "set-it-and-forget-it" approach.

Remember, your ideal setup depends on your specific needs and priorities. Experiment and choose what works best for you. If you have further questions, feel free to ask!