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Locked Out, "User does not Exist", but it does

Posted: 03 Nov 2023, 04:52
by jlwall
F5-422, 5.1.31-00348

I can no longer log into the Web Interface to change or adjust anything!
I cannot reset password. Why in the heck does the web access all of a sudden stop working?

SSH accès through port 9222 still works

Code: Select all

(base) johnnywall@Johnnys-MacBook-Pro apollo % ssh jlwall@ -p 9222
Welcome to Tnas!
[jlwall@TNAS-F384 ~]# 
Someone at Terra, is there anything to do over SSH to restore access? I have a lot config WRT docker/apache/mysql. So the thought of dumping and retrying would loose my a lot of work and config I have already done.

Please help

Re: Locked Out, "User does not Exist", but it does

Posted: 03 Nov 2023, 16:59
by TMzethar
Installing TOS5 using a storage structure from TOS4 may encounter similar situations. The webpage related program may not have started successfully. We suggest that you try restarting TNAS. If this does not solve the problem, you can try the following three methods:
1. Delete the backup configuration directory/etc. default/to make more space available for the system partition
2. Reinstall TOS version 5.1.24 for more stable storage structures from TOS4
3. Please refer to this: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=4912