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TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 09:34
by TMzethar
Release Notes

Applicable models: F2-220, F2-221, F2-420, F2-421, F2-422, F4-220, F4-221, F4-420, F4-421, F4-422, F5-220, F5-221, F5-225, F5-420, F5-421, F5-422, F8-421, F8-422, F2-423, f4-423, T6-423, T9-423, T9-450,T12-423;

This update includes the following bug fixes for the previous version:
1. Fixed some issues of file manager.
2. Fixed some issues of TOS desktop.
3. Fixed some issues of domain / LDAP.
4. Fixed some issues of user group.
5. Fixed some issues of shared folder.
6. Fixed some issues of OTP two-factor authentication.
7. Fixed some issues of user.
8. Fixed some issues of Hyper cache.
9. Fixed some issues of TFM backup.
10. Fixed some issues of network services.
11. Fixed some issues of notifications.
12. Fixed some issues of services.
13. Fixed some issues of volume.
14. Fixed some issues of file system snapshot.
15. Optimized some settings of security advisor.

Important Notes
1. This update is only for TOS 5.0.120 or later versions. If your TOS version does not meet the requirements, please update to TOS 5 by reinstalling TOS.
2. Under normal circumstances, the system update will not affect the data in your hard drives, but for your data safety, it is strongly recommended that you back up your data before the update!
3. If you have installed the VirtualBox application, you need to uninstall it and then update the system.

How to update your TOS?

Manual update:
1. Download the update package: TOS 5.0.176 (md5:057ab2246aa169d17e22b77173e9fe15)
2. Go to TOS > Control Panel > General Settings > system;
3. Under the "Manual update", upload the update package;
4. Click "Apply";
5. After the system update is complete, you need to refresh your web browser;
6. Your TNAS's IP address may change after the system update, if you are not able to connect to your TNAS with the previous IP, you need to search the new IP again with the TNAC PC client;

Important Note:
After updating to TOS 5.0.176, you need to update your current TNAS PC to 5.0.33 or a later version, or you may not able to search your TNAS device.
1. TNAS PC 5.0.33 for Windows OS
2. TNAS PC 5.0.33 for macOS

It is recommended that you uninstall the previous version before installing this version of TNAS PC.

Issue report
If you encounter issues during use, please report to the corresponding TerraMaster official forum, or email your issue description and screenshots to pm(at)

Re: TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 10:00
by crisisacting
Glad it has a new certificate with a year expiry.

Re: TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 12:41
by Alessio71
When will file deduiplication feature released?

Re: TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 15:34
by franco72
After the update, Emby refuses authorization. Reinstalled Samba, authorization is successful, but after restarting the NAS again Emmy writes "Invalid login or password".

Downgrade to IOS 5.0.171 and the problem disappeared.

Re: TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 15:42
by franco72
Sorry Google translator made mistakes in the previous post. That's right:

After the update, Emby refuses authorization. Reinstalled Emby, authorization is successful, but after restarting the NAS again Emby writes "Invalid login or password".

Downgrade to IOS 5.0.171 and the problem disappeared.

Re: TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 18:19
by UrikVS
Такая же проблема с EMBY на новом обновлении . Пришлось несколько раз переустанавливать EMBY

Re: TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 20:38
by kenfrog
installed and all seems well mostly the system is up and working fine
I did notice a delay in SMB Seek Time for directories the folder seek will hang mid folder for 2 seconds and pick up again. not sure if the nas is the issue or SMB in windows is the issue.

anyhow, the update process went well and the NAS has not presented me with any more issues in my use case :)

Thanks for your work

Re: TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 21:54
by kenfrog
kenfrog wrote:
> installed and all seems well mostly the system is up and working fine
> I did notice a delay in SMB Seek Time for directories the folder seek will
> hang mid folder for 2 seconds and pick up again. not sure if the nas is
> the issue or SMB in windows is the issue.
> anyhow, the update process went well and the NAS has not presented me with
> any more issues in my use case :)
> Thanks for your work

I was incorrect - the Ples beta app will not start now ? dont know why
I have tried to correct this as it looks like a permissions issues
WEB GUI : will not start
ssh to system and setting permissions
chown -R plex:admin /Volume1/Plex
chown -R plex:media /Volume1/Plex
/etc/init.d/plex start - will not stay running, it starts and gets to spawn chown process then stops ?

ps -aux | grep plex -
USERNAME REMOVED+ 25442 97.4 0.0 22928 2164 ? R 07:38 0:09 chown -R plex:admin /Volume1/Plex
USERNAME REMOVED+ 25550 0.0 0.0 15440 620 pts/0 S+ 07:39 0:00 grep plex

reapply permissions using WEB GUI - ensure that plex and media has full rights to the folders
Replace the permissions of all subfolders - ticked

web gui and /etc/init.d/plex start - same thing - starts and then stops itself

unisnstall - leaving the data in place
reinstall - test

same behavior ? plex spawns Chown and then chown is running and plex crashed
crash dump (dmp) files are no help - no errors or logs that help so far

Re: TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 15 Oct 2022, 18:39
by Juan87
Same problem as franco72 and UrikVS.
It's frustrating what's happening with TOS 5.
PLEX, EMBY, USB, media index... hours and hours requested

Re: TOS 5.0.176 (x.86) is Released for Update

Posted: 15 Oct 2022, 18:46
by Juan87
When invoking emby from TOS, it replaces Emby's port, 8096, with TOS's own 8181, thus, identification error.
It won't let me go back to 5.0.171