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Docker/Portainer on F2-210 Aarch64

Posted: 16 Mar 2022, 06:31
by spikerguy

I have received my F2-210 and I am finding it hard to be used as my use case which is just ssh into my cloud server and copy files back to F2-210 using rsync.

So I have my own backup script in linux which I have been using and now this F2-210 I bought for one of my friend thinking it have all the Fancy UI from TOS but from my first expression, I feel it is all locked up and giving me hard time in getting basic stuff done (SSH to my cloud server does not work from tos cli, No way to access docker cli, No way to use console of container in portainer).

Then I thought maybe I will just use docker/portainer to run a small ubuntu server with my scripts which will do the backups regularly but then that is failing too.

In portainer I can see the container running but I am not able to enter into the console as it gets stuck when connecting to console.
I made sure to pull arm64v8/ubuntu:latest so it does not need cross arch virtualization.

As I would have setup OVM from scratch for the friend on a normal mini pc instead of getting F2-210 and would have taken max 1 hour while I have put in 4 hours already in trying to get F2-210 work on what my main objective is.

Hope someone can advice on what would be wrong. I expect someone from Terra Master to look into this.

Hope I get some positive response.


Re: Docker/Portainer on F2-210 Aarch64

Posted: 16 Mar 2022, 06:54
by spikerguy
I found out that the websocket is not accessible
You can see the error in console.

This is also reported here on portainer git issue

TOS team need to enable websocket on TOS Web server engine.

So till then I will not be able to make use of any of the function of TOS which I need, no SSH Forwarding, no Docker full function, No Portainer functions well portainer is beta so yea.

Re: Docker/Portainer on F2-210 Aarch64

Posted: 16 Mar 2022, 16:59
by TMSupport
Thanks for your feedback, we will verify it.

Re: Docker/Portainer on F2-210 Aarch64

Posted: 16 Mar 2022, 21:50
by spikerguy
Hey Support, I have also written an email to If there is a plan to fix it with os upgrade then let me know. I can help you with the fixes if you need help from an embedded engineer working on Linux support for arm and x86. happy to help to make TOS better. Regards.