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No option to create library

Posted: 11 Sep 2021, 14:57
by SunDogBC
I finally got around to installing and starting Plex Media Server version 1.24.14931 and when I click on "Enter" it does take me to!/ . So far, so good, right?

But once I'm there I have no option to add a library pointing to my shared media folder. In the pinned sources on the left there is a link for "+ Your Media" but that just takes me to ... dia-server that has a link to . Isn't that what I'm in? Plex Media Server?

Am I doing something wrong? Because not being able to link to my media makes the app basically useless.

Re: No option to create library

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 02:33
by SunDogBC
I fixed it by uninstalling, deleting "/home/plex", restarting, reinstalling, and reconfiguring.
Although now the "Enter" button from the Application doesn't do anything so I had to go to directly to get to do the initial setup.
But at least I now have full functionality.