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D5-300C - 2 Bays keep disconnecting and Slow Speeds

Posted: 16 Jun 2021, 01:26
by aaronbekir
Hi Everyone,

Hope this is the right place.

I have the following - ... -300c.html

Suddenly, Bay 1 and 2 keep disconnecting randomly (there is nothing that happens before it isn't there), the thing is, it still shows up in "my computer", but you just cannot access the drive.

Turning it off and on again works. Also, the same two bays have incredibly slow move speeds. Bays 3-5 all copy at 150mbs, 1 and 2, are often at 10-15mbps.

I am not sure what could be causing the issue, it has only just started happening in the last 2 months. The drives are set up as JBOD, so no raid or anything like that and appear as the 5 drives in "my computer".

Any suggestions would be most welcome, as the most recent "crash" of the drives not being there caused a data issue that I would rather not happen again!

Thanks in Advance

Re: D5-300C - 2 Bays keep disconnecting and Slow Speeds

Posted: 17 Jun 2021, 11:55
by TMSupport
About the disconnecting issue of HDD1/2, please try to change the hibernation time of your HDDs to 0 on your computer to see whether it's ok:
1. Type "Power and sleep" in the search bar of your Windows
2. Click "Other power Settings" in the right side
3. Change the computer sleep time
4. Change the advanced power Settings - Hard drives "Close the hard drive after this time" - change the time to "0"

As for the speed, please try to swap HDD1/2 to slot 3-5 to see what rate will you get.

Re: D5-300C - 2 Bays keep disconnecting and Slow Speeds

Posted: 17 Jun 2021, 20:29
by aaronbekir

my sleep settings are set to 0 already, always have been.

It has happened again, also you sent me a program via email to run and submit a screenshot about, i did this, the program wouldn't run and had an error, so i sent that instead.

Let me know what else i can do, it is becoming frustrating that only drives 1 and 2 keep disconnecting.


Re: D5-300C - 2 Bays keep disconnecting and Slow Speeds

Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 10:56
by TMSupport
It is recommended that you back up data on HDD1&HDD2, adjust the RAID mode to single disk, and press the RESET button to reset the HDD1/2. Trying.
In addition, if the problem that has been eliminated above still exists. It is recommended that you disassemble the machine to clean up the dust in the product, and clean the golden finger part of the SATA backplane with an eraser. (Considering that your equipment was produced in 18 years, it is assumed that the equipment is packed with dust.)

Re: D5-300C - 2 Bays keep disconnecting and Slow Speeds

Posted: 19 Jun 2021, 17:14
by aaronbekir

So this is the steps i have taken and it still is doing it.

1) Replaced drives 1 and 2 with new drives.
2) Cleaned the whole thing out with compressed air to ensure there is no dust.

Drives 1 and 2 still keep becoming disconnected. What can i do now? It is causing massive issues.

The whole system is set to "single disk", nothing with raid.


Re: D5-300C - 2 Bays keep disconnecting and Slow Speeds

Posted: 20 Jun 2021, 14:16
by TMroy
Please contact our service team for warranty service.