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Password for SSH root backup

Posted: 14 Apr 2021, 04:35
by orangebloss

The tech guys started a back up for me using ssh and it's been going all day and I suspect almost finished. However my router decided to have a funny 5 mins which caused the back up to stop.(I think)

I've got all the commands to restart it but I apparently need a password and I have no idea what that might be (tried admin, password etc) - any ideas?

Also is it likely that the back up actually stopped or just that I can no longer view its progress as the pc dropped it's network connection? (USB is plugged into the back of the NAS)

Re: Password for SSH root backup

Posted: 14 Apr 2021, 11:14
by TMSupport
The password for root SSH access is the login password of admin.
If you cannot get it worked, you can contact us and have the remote session again.