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Re: TOS 4.2.32(X86) is released for update

Posted: 25 Sep 2022, 23:26
by buster3
If they aren't going to update F2-210 Intel devices to version 5.0 they should at least fix the apps.
Like the media viewer and audio player!
It's really crappy that they aren't going to update it to version 5.0!

Re: TOS 4.2.32(X86) is released for update

Posted: 26 Sep 2022, 03:20
by crisisacting
buster3 wrote:
> … F2-210 Intel devices

That's not a thing; those devices are RealTek ARM based.

They haven't ruled out TOS 5 on ARM, as they have stated they are working on a new ARM series device(s) & will backport to the 210 series devices if possible.

The statement from TMRoy @ viewtopic.php?f=81&t=3254&start=10:

As of now, TerraMaster has not officially confirmed that the 210 ARM series products cannot be updated to TOS 5. We're developing TOS 5 on a brand new ARM platform, and when it's done, we'll try to port it to the 210 series if possible. Obviously, this will take more time, so please be patient.