TRAID expansion issue

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TRAID expansion issue

Post by denkai »

M.2 1TB Samsung 970 Pro with TOS 5 installed on it
M.2 1TB Samsung 970 Pro setup as a cache for the TRAID
Bay 1 18TB HDD TRAID setup with data on it
bay 2 6TB HDD JBOD setup with data on it
Bay 3 6TB HDD JBOD setup with data on it
bay 4 4TB HDD JBOD setup with data on it

My setup has been working fine for weeks, however I wanted to expand my TRAID and add my new 18TB drives to it. I pulled Bay 3 and added a new 18TB HDD physically then went into TOS 5 and selected the option to expand bay 1 TRAID into the new drive. everything was going well and TOS 5 was giving me a % of the raid completed.

I went to get a shower and when I got back my NAS was no longer connected to the network. my network was fine and all my devices are working EXCEPT my F4-423. I checked all of my network and everything is fine, the NAS is still powered on, and I think it might still be migrating the DATA from the original drive to the new one, however I can't tell if it's still going or not. is there a command I can send in terminal with a keyboard and monitor that I can check on the status of the RAID or have the network card restart and connect?
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Re: TRAID expansion issue

Post by TMroy »

Please download TNAS PC client, and search your TNAS device with TNAS PC again. I am not sure if your TNAS IP address changed because the DHCP lease time expired.
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Re: TRAID expansion issue

Post by denkai »

ya'll really like to try my faith in your competency or your lack of interest in not insulting my intelligence.

I'll repeat myself as it wasn't taken to heart last time. There. Is. No. Network. Connection. The NAS is not connected to the network. ethernet is plugged in, no lights. changed ports. verified it all. it's the NAS. additionally, I hooked up a monitor, it's not working, and neither is a keyboard.
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Re: TRAID expansion issue

Post by TMqiky »

We are currently unable to guess the reason based on the existing situation.
May I ask if the front network indicator light did not light up when you initially found F4-423 inaccessible? May I ask if the hard drive light is flashing now? If it is flashing, it may be executing a read and write task as you guessed.
You can try restarting F4-423. If successful, please pay attention to whether there is excessive usage or hard disk error.
Additionally, you can collect a system report from "Technical Support" and send it to our technical support email for our team to review.
To contact our team, please send email to following addresses, remember to replace (at) with @
Technical team: support(at) (for technical support)
Service team: service(at) (for purchasing, return, replacement, RMA service)
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Re: TRAID expansion issue

Post by denkai »

I succumbed to the restart as that seemed the only viable option. I got lucky and it picked up right where it left off. I expanded the drive and all was good. Files were there and everything. I added my next 18TB drive and expanded it expecting the TRAID to finish off and to get around 32TB of space, and I did, all was great. I verified file integrity was still solid. Added more files to it with the new expanded space. Afterwards I needed to reboot the NAS, and now it is saying volume is corrupted. I waited the day for the NAS to complete the synchronization, but once it finished there are still no files, I seem to have lost everything and I'm tired of the issues I'm getting with Terra-master. I'm about to return this thing and go to synology or qnap. is there a way to recover my files?
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