F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

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F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by ChrisOfTheOT »

Morning - A backup failure alerted me to a problem, but when I tired to log in, TOS gave the me above message. I followed posts here which advised re-installing TOS, but that fails with a 'all data will be deleted' message, so I canceled it. When I first launch TOS initialisation, I get a message saying that a new version of TOS is available and do I want to update. Is it safe to try an update at this point?


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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by TMzethar »

When reinstalling TOS5, if prompted with "delete/format", please do not continue, otherwise you will lose data.
This may be caused by incomplete individual partitions of the disks. Please contact technical support to schedule remote assistance to fix them.

I noticed that you are using an old version of TNAS. You may still be using the storage structure of TOS4, which is not suitable for newer versions of TOS5.
If you want to use an updated version of TOS5, please refer to this:
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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by ChrisOfTheOT »

Afternoon Zether - many thanks for the reply. I tried the 'contact us' link & sent an email, but no-one has replied. Is there a special link to technical support that I have missed?


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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by ChrisOfTheOT »

Morning boys & girls - what a crazy session this has been!

So, I finally got a tech support Remote Session sorted out. It took a brief two and-a-half hours! After many problems and a great deal of command line malarkey, I have been down-graded back to TOS 4. (No explination, other than TOS 5 wouldn't install 'as you saw'.) I installed TOS 5.1.24 back in Feburary 2023 and have been running (about!) 5.1.37 since. So, after a year, I have to stay on TOS 4, which I don't mind, but it's been a real headache since before Christmas. (No mention that I can find that F2-221 is not TOS 5 compatable - and, if so, it didn't used to be!)

Still, TerraMaster did a fabulous job of getting things back up and running, and the support here is generally excellent too. In fact, how I wish all tech companies put such efforts into customer support!

Thank you TerraMaster.


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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by ChrisOfTheOT »

Unbelievable! The NAS suddenly shut itself down after about three-quaters of an hour. It said there was a Raid exception and that I should detach the drive 'as soon as possible' (or similar). The NAS will still boot, and Control Panel shows 'Volume 1 - Good' but 'Volume 2 - Hard drive is missing!'

The reason, I imagine, is that Volume 1 is 'single disk' and Volume 2 is RAID 1. What on earth should I do now???

Please help!


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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by TMcola »


Can you upload some relevant screenshots?If you have important data on your disk,please contact technical support to schedule remote assistance to fix them.
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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by ChrisOfTheOT »

Morning Cola - I have had another remote assist (3 hours!), but this time the disk copy worked okay... as far as I can tell... :roll: I have another remote assist booked so we'll see how everything works out. I'm not keen on going back to TOS 4 because of many USB connection issues (where TOS would re-number the USB drives, which caused any number of problems), but the second tech person said my system wouldn't work with TOS 5 for 'undetermined' reasons. So, TOS 4 it is.

I've attached a screen shot: the system is shut down until the next tech support, as I was told to do. I'll keep you posted!

Thanks for replying Cola.


Screenshot 2024-02-11 181617.jpg
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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by TMRyan »

It seems that you can refer to the following repair: viewtopic.php?f=79&t=1545
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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by ChrisOfTheOT »

Morning Ryan - thank you for replying.

I've been on with Remote Assistance for another few hours. (!) There was some confusion/frustration initially on this last (of four) remote sessions because the last fellow didn't have a clue about the problem. It was only after some time that he consulted his collegue to find out the short 'history' of my problem.

So, the latest Remote person confirmed that my hard drives will not let TOS5 work. He did not know why. (It's annoying as I've been using TOS5 for about a year, as I mentioned.) Anyway, I'm down to TOS4.40. The Remote fella' (I assume) set in motion the RAID repair, though I was not keen as the data is a copy of a copy, from HD2 onto HD1. (I was confident in the integrety of the data on HD2, although it should be perfectly copied back to HD1 - although there were at least three errors.) The copy/re-build of RAID1 will take seven to eight hours, so I just have to wait.

Unfortunatley, the Remote person said that there was a problem with TOS4.4 - which I had with the USB drive numbers. It means I have to down-grade to TOS4.32... Which, apparently, I cannot do from TOS4.4, so I have to down-grade to TOS4.18, then up-grade to 4.32. Tomorrow...

I'm not sure how much confidence I have in all this working, not least because I up-graded from TOS4.3 hoping to get better reliability (with USB). We'll see!

Anyway, not a happy bunny today. Tricky!


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Re: F2-221 & D4-300, TOS 5.34: 'User does not exist' - re-install fails

Post by TMRyan »

I'm sorry to bring you a bad experience. I learned that the remote people who tried various methods before could not make your hard disk successfully install TOS 5, or you can try to replace a hard disk to try. If you still want to use that hard drive to install TOS 5, we can arrange for a developer to check it for you.
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