Turning on Time Machine broke my ability to access ANY shares from ANY systems

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Turning on Time Machine broke my ability to access ANY shares from ANY systems

Post by Archigos »

TOS 5.1.67 (Originally when this happened)

I was doing some work on my iMac (macOS Ventura 13.6.3) and managed to break my Terminal. I fixed it but it made me want to turn on Time Machine since I realized I didn't have it.

I logged into TOS and turned on Time Machine and it defaulted to my main share where all my files are stored (it didn't let me initially pick). When it did this, it appears that it locked the share as a "Time Machine" drive and I lost connection from both my iMac and my Windows 11 laptop.

When I realized what happened, I went back to TOS and changed the share being used to the proper one... this still didn't give me access back to my shares so I turned Time Machine fully off.

While troubleshooting I found out that it changed EVERY user to Deny for that share as well as EVERY group to Deny as well. I fixed these one at a time which took hours because it had to update permissions on 30TB+ each time.

At this point, I still had no access to my shares (I can see the files are still there in TOS's File Manager) so I contacted support via chat. First thing they did was tell me to reboot and update to 5.1.123 which I did. This didn't help anything. (My NAS takes OVER an hour to reboot every time, it has for years after 5.1 first came out.) In total I talked with support for over 3 hours and they just said someone would contact me in over 5 hours.

I still haven't seen how bad this is on my Windows laptop (other than I got disconnected originally) but nothing I can do on my Mac will mount the share. I even turned off SMB and AFP, rebooted, turned them both back on... created a brand new user with read/write to every share and still can't mount.

Any help? As I said above, I have over 30TB of data so I can't afford to back everything up elsewhere to reformat the system.

I don't want to lose my data but this is getting ridiculous with how often I have problems with this system and I'm not even 'playing' with settings or doing anything stupid. 99% is all basic storage with little else working directly on the machine.
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Re: Turning on Time Machine broke my ability to access ANY shares from ANY systems

Post by TMLyy »

Can you provide screenshots? Can Time Machine search for shared folders? Make sure that the MAC system and NAS are on the same network, you can try to change other shared folders, and when connecting, note that the superuser cannot log in to the AFP service, you can change to other users who have permission to log in to the shared folder.
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Re: Turning on Time Machine broke my ability to access ANY shares from ANY systems

Post by Archigos »

I managed to fix everything last night. Well time machine was on it access the folder fine and started it back up. I did about 600 gig before I realized I lost access to everything else. I stopped the time machine back up turn time machine off and that’s when I couldn’t access anything.

In the end, I had to manually check every user and every group on the and reset permissions for every share. Which took many hours I still wasn’t sure if that was gonna work, so I went as far as creating a brand new group with read/write access to everything and a new user in that group. The new user was able to mount on the Mac.

The old way that I used to auto mount would no longer work but I could manually mount. I found a nice piece of software that takes my manual amounts and does the auto amount that I used to do for me but I had to pay $15 for it.

All in all it’s done and works

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