DDNS not running (custom url)

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DDNS not running (custom url)

Post by Gremlin »

Hving a few issues on getting ddns service to run. I have a custom url that works:
(I have deliberately split the url across 2 lines so that it is clearly visible)


The "{mylocation}" is a specific code that updates all the domains registered for this location in one call. When sent via a browser this generates the response "nochg", which is to be expected.

On configuring this in the ddns setup, everything works and the entry is created successfully, except the entry is labelled as "disconnected" and does not run on schedule.

Also, the provider prefers a port of 8245. I'm not sure how to incorporate this into the setup. (port 80 is ok, but would rather use the prefered port as setup on our alternative Windows machine.)

NB: tested on both 5.1.95 and 6.0Beta.
F5-221 5.1.123, 8GB System Partition on 3 x 4TB Traid; 3TB EXT4
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Re: DDNS not running (custom url)

Post by Gremlin »

Small update:

On 5.1.95 the "last call" and "next call" are updating but not while the screen is active. Only apparent when I close and then later return to the dialogue. (WAN IP is accurate)

On 6.0.108 the "last call" and "WAN IP" are not updating. "Next Call" time is updating.

QUESTION: Is there a log (or logs) that I can investigate to see if the calls are actually being made and return data.

Thank you
F5-221 5.1.123, 8GB System Partition on 3 x 4TB Traid; 3TB EXT4
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Re: DDNS not running (custom url)

Post by TMwuu »


In TOSS 6.0, the DDNS last check time display problem is verified and will be modified in later versions. For DDNS connections, we recommend that you use an existing service provider on your system. To view the log, use this command :cat /var/log/tos/access.log
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Re: DDNS not running (custom url)

Post by Gremlin »

OK, thanks. However, I can only use the service provider I have and you don't provide an option for them,! Not a lot of help, that. You give indications of how to enter a custom call, but now it seems that is an issue too.

I have looked at the logs and I do see an error (TOS6 for now) which is:

parse " http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?username ... &myip=_IP_": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon

The only colon is in "http://" so I presume this needs to be escaped. What is appropriate escape character or method.

Thanks again.
F5-221 5.1.123, 8GB System Partition on 3 x 4TB Traid; 3TB EXT4
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Re: DDNS not running (custom url)

Post by Gremlin »

From TOS5.1 log: (more detail)

Code: Select all

2023-12-05 14:29:16.000 [INFO] url before:  http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?username=_USER_&password=_PASSWORD_&location=LyddsHill&myip=_IP_
2023-12-05 14:29:16.000 [INFO] url after:  http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?username=_USER_&password=_PASSWORD_&location=LyddsHill&myip=_IP_
2023-12-05 14:29:16.000 [ERRO] 1. failed to new request
   1).  TOSDeamon/core/ddns/customupdater.(*CustomUpdater).update
   2).  TOSDeamon/core/ddns/customupdater.(*CustomUpdater).Apply
   3).  TOSDeamon/core/ddns/runner.(*Runner).Run
   4).  TOSDeamon/core/ddns/runner.(*Runner).Run2
   5).  main.serveHTTP.(*Cache).CheckCache.func7
   6).  main.serveHTTP.(*PublicIp).FixPublicIp.func8
   7).  main.serveHTTP.(*Logger).Log.func9
   8).  TOSDeamon/core/ddns/scheduler.(*Scheduler).addSchedule.(*Scheduler).run.func1
   9).  TOSDeamon/core/ddns/scheduler.(*Scheduler).addSchedule.(*Scheduler).run.(*Scheduler).canOnlyOneByOne.func2
   10). github.com/robfig/cron/v3.FuncJob.Run
   11). github.com/robfig/cron/v3.(*Cron).startJob.func1
2. parse " http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?username=_USER_&password=_PASSWORD_&location=LyddsHill&myip=_IP_": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon
1.  TOSDeamon/core/ddns/scheduler.(*Scheduler).addSchedule.(*Scheduler).run.func1
2.  TOSDeamon/core/ddns/scheduler.(*Scheduler).addSchedule.(*Scheduler).run.(*Scheduler).canOnlyOneByOne.func2
3.  github.com/robfig/cron/v3.FuncJob.Run
4.  github.com/robfig/cron/v3.(*Cron).startJob.func1
F5-221 5.1.123, 8GB System Partition on 3 x 4TB Traid; 3TB EXT4
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Re: DDNS not running (custom url)

Post by Gremlin »

FYI TOS5.1.95 - This works:

Code: Select all

ter_wget "http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?username={myusername}&password={mypassword}&location={mylocation}"
Would be nice to know where it is going wrong with the built in function(s).
Otherwise it needs some work to figure out the best options to get a workable logging system and controls defined.
F5-221 5.1.123, 8GB System Partition on 3 x 4TB Traid; 3TB EXT4
F2-221 TOS6 (Beta), 8GB System Partition on 2 x 6TB in Traid. (Latest Update 11/04/24)

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