TNAS on TOS 5: The NAS that cannot NAS

SMB, NFS, AFP, FTP, web file manager and Rsync server.
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TNAS on TOS 5: The NAS that cannot NAS

Post by sanctimon »

Afp: broken,
SMB: broken,
SFTP: broken.

Installed 5.1.29, no improvement.
  • AFP
No longer accessible via admin/superuser. Must create new non-admin user.

User created, permissions to shares added.

Trying to access from MacBook Pro: half of the shares are missing. Restarted TNAS. No joy.

Are there logs? Who knows.There is certainly an option to activate them, but information no the actual location? Not so fast, buster. (Not that there is any decent documentation on TOS anywhere that I could find).
  • SMB
Connect via Windows. Attempt to transfer files? Anything bigger than 300MB throws Error 0x8007003B, indicating a network issue.

It worked under TOS 4, but in TOS 5, nah. Logs? same story, activated, but where are they? /var/log/samba provides exactly 0 useful information.

Connect via Mac OS. 10' to update the folder structure. Go, make coffee, come back. Attempt to transfer file? Mac OS gives up, ejects the Volume.

Logs? Silence of the lambs.


Last call, perhaps this is how I can transfer my files to my super, duper, amazing TOS 5.1 NAS.

Activate SFTP, restart service just to be on the safe side, manually add the user to the config, because, why not?

Attempt to connect via FileZIlla and:

Error: FATAL ERROR: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server

What good is a NAS if it cannot... NAS?
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Re: TNAS on TOS 5: The NAS that cannot NAS

Post by TMroy »

AFP: yes, you can't use a superuser to connect AFP, this is restricted by the AFP itself.
SMB: we do not have such report before, we will verify it.
SFTP:Not fully understand your issues, please provide more details.
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Re: TNAS on TOS 5: The NAS that cannot NAS

Post by sanctimon »



the user that has been created does not have access to all the shares he should be seeing.

SMB: When copying a file into an encrypted share, the file copying process fails.


Code: Select all

Status:      	Connecting to 192.168.***.***:9191...
Response: 	fzSftp started, protocol_version=11
Command: 	open "username@192.168.***.***" 9191
Status:      	Using username "username". 
Command: 	Pass: ******************
Status:      	Connected to
Error:         	FATAL ERROR: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server
Error:         	Could not connect to server
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Re: TNAS on TOS 5: The NAS that cannot NAS

Post by TMRyan »

AFP: You can try editing user permissions and shared folder permissions, or restart AFP.
SMB: There is an issue with transferring large files to encrypted shared folders
SFTP: You can use WinSCP for connection
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Re: TNAS on TOS 5: The NAS that cannot NAS

Post by mowy »

Te recomiendo que bajes a la versión 4.2.32 o 4.2.40 y uses SFTP. Entiendo perfectamente lo que dices, pero esta gente esta en pañales aun con el sistema operativo, tienen a unas pobres almas capeando dia si y dia tambien quejas sobre lo mal que va el sistema.

Esta claro que apple ha llegado para quedarse y su moda de sacar sistemas operativos a medias es trending topic. Los clientes somos los que sufrimos esto.

Yo tengo 2 NAS F2-221 y no son capaces de hacer un backup entre ellos en el año 2023, tengo que estar copiando con windows las carpetas o mediante pendrives. GENIALLL TERRAMASTERR!!!
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Re: TNAS on TOS 5: The NAS that cannot NAS

Post by TMtina »

¡Hola, puede realizar una copia de seguridad entre Nas a través de TFM Backup, Duple Backup, Rsync y otras aplicaciones!

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