Applicable TOS version: All
The initBoot contains some programs that are used to configure the basic hardware before TOS is loaded, and these programs are stored in a USB flash drive. Unexpected power outages, abnormal shutdowns, and hardware failures can all cause the initBoot to fail. If your x.86 TNAS cannot be started normally, and the device cannot be searched when booting without a hard disk, it is most likely that the initBoot is faulty.
Here are 3 fixes for when the boot system fails:
Solution 1:
If you have a spare drive that contains a TOS system and can boot normally:
1. Plug in the drive to your TNAS, and boot the system.
2. SSH access to your system from the terminal. Instruction
3. Execute the following command with root permissions. (the default password is the same as the admin password)
Code: Select all
[root@TNAS-??????~]# /etc/init.d/mountusb start
mount usb storage...
[root@TNAS-??????~]# ter_wget http://download2.terra-master.com/bzImage
--2021-08-30 16:23:53-- http://download2.terra-master.com/bzImage
Resolving download2.terra-master.com...
Connecting to download2.terra-master.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 37896576 (36M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: 'bzImage'
bzImage 100%[===================>] 36.14M 24.1MB/s in 1.5s
2021-08-30 16:23:55 (24.1 MB/s) - 'bzImage' saved [37896576/37896576]
[root@TNAS-??????~]# cp ~/bzImage /mnt/bootdev/boot/
If you are not able to access TOS, you have to make a new USB initBoot and replace the failed one. To make a new USB initBoot, please follow the instruction below.
Download the instruction
Solution 3
If you are not comfortable with using the command line or making a new initBoot on your own, you can contact our customer service to buy a new one.