D5-300 driver, software & shoddy hardware failures

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D5-300 driver, software & shoddy hardware failures

Post by Sputnik »

After spending about 2 hours following numerous official TM posts about how to install the current M1-compatible drivers and software for Apple Silicon, all of which failed to work... I'm finally seeing one forum post from months ago that says that there still isn't a driver or RAID Manager for the D5-300 on Mac OS Monterey. Monterey was released over 7 months ago. I have SIX D5-300 units, only around 2 years old, all critical for our video production business, and now I can't manage ANY of them. (The RAID manager for my Pegasus 1, now ELEVEN YEARS old, still works, even though Promise isn't officially supporting those drives any more). Furthermore, the cheap fans in your enclosures keep failing (once again, the Pegasus has run 24/7 for 11 years and is still as quiet as ever). Do you seriously expect anyone to purchase your products again after this kind of performance?
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Re: D5-300 driver, software & shoddy hardware failures

Post by TMroy »

Just modified the instruction, please check the instructions step by step.
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Re: D5-300 driver, software & shoddy hardware failures

Post by Sputnik »

Thanks for the reply. That post says "the D5-300 has been on the market for more than 7 years...only the three latest hardware revisions can support OSX Monterey." While this **seems** reasonable enough, what it doesn't say is that D5-300s purchased only THREE years ago (not seven) won't work with Monterey. In fact -- since Monterey was released in 2021 -- your units became unusable a little over 2 years after sale. In nearly 40 years of working with Macs, I can't think of another peripheral that has gone obsolete that quickly after purchase.
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Re: D5-300 driver, software & shoddy hardware failures

Post by macronencer »

This is extremely worrying to hear. I'm using a D5 T3 bought on May 7th 2020, and I'm running Monterey on a 2017 iMac. Just today the transfer rate when writing to the drive went WAY down for no apparent reason. An HOUR to write 43Gb?? WHAT? No health issues are reported in the manager app.

(UPDATE: It's just sped up a little, and now says 30 minutes... but this shouldn't take more than a minute or two. What the hell is happening?)

I've also had issues with the T3 socket on the back of the machine, which is loose, sometimes drops the connection and causes me to have to reboot everything just to get the disks back onto my desktop.

I'm not very happy, and I quite likely won't be buying Terramaster again :( You'd think a decent Thunderbolt socket wouldn't be much of an investment...
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