[ PostgreSQL_okm ] Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database

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[ PostgreSQL_okm ] Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database

Post by outkastm »


About: https://www.postgresql.org

Applicable models: x.64 series
Applicable TOS4: 4.1.27 or later versions - on request
Applicable TOS5: 5.1.12 or later versions
App download: https://tmnascommunity.eu/download/postgresql_okm/

Required packages:

pgAdminOKM >

App WebUI for additional settings can be accesses at:

TOS4: http(s)://yournasip:port/modules/pgAdminOKM/www
TOS5: click on Support & Help from app description inside the App Center

Follow this guide How to create an user and database in PostgreSQL to create specific user and database required for specific apps

How to manully install this app on TerraMaster application store?


PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 35 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.

There is a wealth of information to be found describing how to use PostgreSQL through the official documentation. The open source community community provides many helpful places to become familiar with PostgreSQL, discover how it works, and find career opportunities. Learm more on how to engage with the community.
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